The Kara Sutra #2—Aural Pleasure

You are having a conversation, but not THAT sort of conversation… Things to avoid when writing your business book—Part Two A mistake so many new authors make is writing as they speak. The written word comes from a different part of you to the spoken word. This is true even for those authors who dictate […]

Breaking the rules of publishing

“You can’t sell a paperback book for £50!” Our business has broken the rules of traditional publishing since we started back in 2009. The pre-internet model relied on tying up your capital in pallets of books sitting in warehouses. The pre-internet model priced paperback books low and created hardbacks at a premium, with the hardbacks […]

The Kara Sutra #1—The Ego Trap

It is all about you, but it is not about you… Things to avoid when writing your business book—Part One You want your readers to view you as arrogant; a self-centred, smug egotist! You cannot wait to bore people to tears with your book—to make it difficult for them to get through the first page! […]

Different kinds of books – different results for your business

If you settled down to read The Lord of the Rings hoping to find out about space flights to Mars and the colonisation of distant planets you would be very disappointed. Likewise, if you cuddled up with Steven Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People looking for a series of quick-win, instant-fix tools you […]