The 8 secrets the gurus don’t tell you about writing your book


8-secrete-dont-tell-youA book… the new business card?

Have you been to events where the main speaker suggested you write a book, claim your space or become a thought leader?

Perhaps you’ve been encouraged at networking events or seminars to demonstrate your authority and expertise by getting a book written and published. Experienced coaches, trainers and consultants are being told, “You should, you need to, you must write a book!”

It is commonplace now to hear that a business book is the new high-impact business card. Apparently this business card will automatically unlock massive growth and profitability for your business…

Make it a brilliant book…

Clearly, as publishers, we believe in the tremendous value a book can bring to a business… a great book, a brilliant, a compelling, a transforming and powerful book.

Sadly, the vast majority of expert coaches, trainers and consultants who invested time and money in writing a book never reaped these magical rewards. Despite what they were told by the gurus their book hasn’t made them stand out, demonstrated their authority, turned them into a thought leader or dramatically improved their business fortunes.

So does the fault lie with the gurus who promote the creation of books purely as a marketing tool or with the naïve coaches who end up with poor books? Why is it that these books didn’t turn out to be great, brilliant, compelling, transforming and powerful books?

Avoid the pitfalls, know the facts…

It’s what the gurus don’t tell you that leads many business authors to disappointment…

As publishers who work with experienced, expert and successful coaches, trainers and consultants we know that there are some basic elements that many skip over when promoting the idea that writing a book is the key to a golden future. Once you understand these eight secrets you’ll be able to avoid the worst pitfalls that first-time business authors frequently make.

This introductory series of posts at will step you through the eight secrets the gurus don’t share with you.  These make ALL the difference to the book you can write to drive real growth for your business.

So here’s number one on the list—look out for the detailed post to come shortly…

Secret #1 – It’s not all about you…

So, what do you think?




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